
Lint pytest dagger go test

Firmware-action is a tool to simplify building firmware. Think of it as Makefile or Taskfile but specifically for firmware. The tool it-self is written entirely in Golang.

Motivation behind the creation is to unify building of firmware across development environments. The goal of firmware-action is to run on your local machine but also in your CI/CD pipeline, with the same configuration producing the same output.

There is also an independent python tool to prepare Docker containers to be used with firmware-action. These are hosted on GitHub and are freely available (no need to build any Docker containers yourself).

There is also a GitHub action integration allowing you to use firmware-action in your GitHub CI/CD.

At the moment firmware-action has modules to build:

This list should expand in the future (see issue 56).

Firmware-action is using dagger under the hood, which makes it a rather versatile tool. When firmware-action is used, it automatically downloads user-specified Docker containers in which it will attempt to build the firmware.

If your firmware consists of multiple components, such as coreboot with linux as the payload, you can simply define each as a module and define dependency between them. Each module is built separately, but can use the output of another module as input. In the coreboot + linux example, you can call firmware-action to build coreboot recursively, which will also build linux due to the dependency definition. This way, you can build complex stacks of firmware in a single call.

Documentation is hosted in pages.

There is a standalone repository with usage examples at firmware-action-example.

Pre-compiled coreboot toolchains for docker containers are stored in separate directory firmware-action-toolchains.


We maintain multiple containers that can be freely used with firmware-action. They are hosted both in GitHub registry as well as in DockerHub.

DockerHub registry contains only releases, while GitHub registry contains also containers build on main branch.

Here is a list of all containers:

coreboot_4.20[ ]discontinued in favor of 4.20.1
coreboot_4.22[ ]discontinued in favor of 4.22.1
coreboot_24.02[ ]discontinued in favor of 24.02.01
edk2-stable202408[ ]discontinued in favor of stable202408.01
linux_6.1.111[ ]discontinued in favor of linux_6.1
linux_6.1.45[ ]discontinued in favor of linux_6.1
linux_6.6.52[ ]discontinued in favor of linux_6.6
linux_6.9.9[ ]discontinued because not LTS
linux_6.11[ ]discontinued because not LTS

Legacy containers

These were created by hand long time ago and since then have been replaced.

coreboot[ ]discontinued
uefi[ ]discontinued


We use GitHub to host code, to track issues and feature requests, as well as accept pull requests.

For coding guidelines and commit message conventions, please look into


As usual, check if issue already exists in GitHub issue tracker.

Please use issue template if applicable.

Pull Requests / Merge Requests

We accept GitHub pull requests.

Fork the project on GitHub, work in your fork and in branches, push these to your GitHub fork, and when ready, do a GitHub pull requests against

Organize your changes in small and meaningful commits which are easy to review. Not every commit in your pull request needs to be able to build and pass the CI tests, but the whole PR must build and pass CI all tests.

If the pull request closes an issue please note it as: "Fixes #NNN".

Code Reviews

It is not necessary to tag anyone for review, we are using CODEOWNERS file to define individuals or teams that are responsible. They will be tagged automatically.

Get started

This guide will provide instructions step by step on how to get started with firmware-action, and it will demonstrate the use on coreboot example.

In this guide we will:

  • start a new repository
    • in this guide it will be hosted in GitHub
  • we will build a simple coreboot for QEMU
  • we will be able to build coreboot in GitHub action and locally

The code from this example is available in firmware-action-example.


  • installed Docker
  • installed git
  • installed dagger (optional, needed for interactive debugging)
  • installed taskfile (optional)

Start a new git repository

Start a new repository in GitHub and then clone it.

Add coreboot as git submodule


To add git submodule, run:

git submodule add <repo> <path>

Add coreboot repository as a submodule:

git submodule add --depth=1 "" coreboot

In this example we will work with coreboot 4.19 release (it is a bit older release from January 2023, but should suffice for demonstration)

( cd coreboot; git fetch origin tag "4.19"; git checkout "4.19" )

Recursively initialize submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout


Recursively initializing all submodules in coreboot will take a minute or two.

Create a coreboot configuration file

Now we need to create a configuration file for coreboot.

Either follow a coreboot guide to get a bare-bones-basic configuration, or just copy-paste this text into seabios_defconfig file.



Create a JSON configuration file

This configuration file is for firmware-action, so that it knows what to do and where to find things. Let's call it firmware-action.json.


  "coreboot": {
    "coreboot-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "",
      "repo_path": "coreboot-example/coreboot/",
      "defconfig_path": "coreboot-example/coreboot_seabios_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-coreboot-example/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "blobs": {},
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null


Field repo_path is pointing to the location of our coreboot submodule which we added in previous step Repository.


Field defconfig_path is pointing to the location of coreboot's configuration file which we created in previous step coreboot configuration.


Firmware action can be used to compile other firmware too, and even combine multiple firmware projects (to a certain degree).

For this reason the JSON configuration file is divided into categories (coreboot, edk2, etc). Each category can contain multiple entries.

Entries can depend on each other, which allows you to combine them - you can have for example coreboot firmware with edk2 payload.

Get firmware-action

Firstly, you will need to install and setup Docker.

Then you can get firmware-action multiple ways:

Build from source

Git clone and build, we use Taskfile as build system, but you can go with just go build.

git clone
cd firmware-action
task build-go-binary

Download executable

Download pre-compiled executable from releases.

Arch Linux

There is AUR package available.

go install

go install -v

Run firmware-action locally

./firmware-action build --config=firmware-action.json --target=coreboot-example

firmware-action will firstly download container needed for dagger and start it.

It will then proceed to download a coreboot container 1, copy into it the specified files and then start compilation.

If compilation is successful, a new directory output-coreboot/ will be created 2 which will contain files 3 and possibly also directories 4.

Your working directory should look something like this:

|-- coreboot/
|   `-- ...
|-- firmware-action.json
|-- output-coreboot/
|   |-- coreboot.rom
|   `-- defconfig
`-- seabios_defconfig


container_output_dirs and container_output_files are lists of directories and files to be extracted from the container once compilation finished successfully.

These are then placed into output_dir.

1: The used container is specified by sdk_url in the firmware-action configuration file.

2: Output directory is specified by output_dir in firmware-action configuration file.

3: Output files are specified by container_output_files in firmware-action configuration file.

4: Directories to output are specified by container_output_dirs in firmware-action configuration file.

Run firmware-action in GitHub CI

Now that we have firmware-action working on local system. Let's set up CI.


name: coreboot build

  contents: read

  # Example of building coreboot
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          submodules: 'recursive'

      - name: firmware-action
        uses: 9elements/firmware-action@v0.14.1
          config: 'coreboot-example.json'
          target: 'coreboot-example'
          recursive: 'false'

      - name: Get artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: coreboot-4.19
          path: output-coreboot-example
          retention-days: 30

Commit, push and watch. And that is it.

Now you should be able to build coreboot in CI and on your local machine.

TLDR; Usage

firmware-action was created with the intention to unify building of firmware across environments.

As such, there are multiple ways to use it.

Local system

To get firmware-action loot into Get firmware-action section.


firmware-action build --config=<path-to-JSON-config> --target=<my-target>


Usage: firmware-action --config="firmware-action.json" <command> [flags]

Utility to create firmware images for several open source firmware solutions

  -h, --help                             Show context-sensitive help.
      --json                             switch to JSON stdout and stderr output
      --indent                           enable indentation for JSON output
      --debug                            increase verbosity
      --config="firmware-action.json"    Path to configuration file

  build --config="firmware-action.json" --target=STRING [flags]
    Build a target defined in configuration file

  generate-config --config="firmware-action.json" [flags]
    Generate empty configuration file

  version --config="firmware-action.json" [flags]
    Print version and exit

Run "firmware-action <command> --help" for more information on a command.

Github CI

You can use firmware-action as any other action.


name: Firmware example build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Build coreboot with firmware-action
        uses: 9elements/firmware-action@main
          config: '<path to firmware-action JSON config>'
          target: '<name of the target from JSON config>'
          recursive: 'false'

Parametric builds with environment variables

To take advantage of matrix builds in GitHub, it is possible to use environment variables inside the JSON configuration file.


For example let's make COREBOOT_VERSION environment variable which will hold version of coreboot.

JSON would look like this:

"sdk_url": "${COREBOOT_VERSION}:main",
"defconfig_path": "tests/coreboot_${COREBOOT_VERSION}/seabios.defconfig",

YAML would look like this:

name: Firmware example build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        coreboot_version: ["4.19", "4.20"]
      - name: Build coreboot with firmware-action
        uses: 9elements/firmware-action@main
          config: '<path to firmware-action JSON config>'
          target: '<name of the target from JSON config>'
          recursive: 'false'
          COREBOOT_VERSION: ${{ matrix.coreboot_version }}


In our repository we have multiple examples (even though rather simple ones) defined in .github/workflows/example.yml.



      - changes
      - skip-check
      fail-fast: false
        coreboot-version: ['4.19', '4.20.1', '4.21', '24.02']
        arch: ['amd64', 'arm64']
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.arch == 'arm64' && 'ARM64' || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
    if: ${{ ! (github.event_name == 'pull_request_review' && != 'github-actions[bot]') && needs.skip-check.outputs.changes == 'true' }}
    # Skip if pull_request_review on PR not made by a bot
      - name: Cleanup
        run: |
          rm -rf ./* || true
          rm -rf ./.??* || true
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Restore cached coreboot repo
        uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
        id: cache-repo
          path: ./my_super_dooper_awesome_coreboot
          key: coreboot-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-example
      - name: Clone coreboot repo
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: |
          git clone --branch "${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}" --depth 1 my_super_dooper_awesome_coreboot
      - name: Store coreboot repo in cache
        uses: actions/cache/save@v4
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
          path: ./my_super_dooper_awesome_coreboot
          key: coreboot-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-example

      - name: Move my defconfig into place (filename must not contain '.defconfig')
        run: |
          mv "tests/coreboot_${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}/seabios.defconfig" "seabios_defconfig"

      - name: firmware-action
        uses: ./
        # uses: 9elements/firmware-action
          config: |-
          target: 'coreboot-example'
          recursive: 'false'
          compile: ${{ needs.changes.outputs.compile }}
          COREBOOT_VERSION: ${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}
          UROOT_VERSION: "dummy"

      - name: Get artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: coreboot-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
          path: output-coreboot
          retention-days: 14


  "coreboot": {
    "coreboot-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${COREBOOT_VERSION}:main",
      "repo_path": "my_super_dooper_awesome_coreboot/",
      "defconfig_path": "seabios_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-coreboot/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": ["build/coreboot.rom", "defconfig"],
      "blobs": {},
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null

Linux Kernel


      - changes
      - skip-check
      fail-fast: false
        linux-version: ['6.1', '6.6', '6.12']
        arch: ['amd64', 'arm64']
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.arch == 'arm64' && 'ARM64' || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
    if: ${{ ! (github.event_name == 'pull_request_review' && != 'github-actions[bot]') && needs.skip-check.outputs.changes == 'true' }}
    # Skip if pull_request_review on PR not made by a bot
      - name: Cleanup
        run: |
          rm -rf ./* || true
          rm -rf ./.??* || true
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Restore cached linux source
        id: cache-repo
        uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
          path: ./linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.xz
          key: linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}-example
      - name: Prepare linux kernel
        run: |
          # Download source files
          wget --quiet --continue "${LINUX_MAJOR_VERSION}.x/linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.xz"
          wget --quiet "${LINUX_MAJOR_VERSION}.x/linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.sign"
          unxz --keep "linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.xz" >/dev/null
          # Verify GPG signature
          gpg2 --locate-keys
          gpg2 --verify "linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.sign"
          # Extract
          tar -xvf "linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar"
      - name: Store linux source in cache
        uses: actions/cache/save@v4
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
          path: ./linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}.tar.xz
          key: linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}-example

      - name: Move my defconfig into place (filename must not contain '.defconfig')
        run: |
          mv "tests/linux_${{ matrix.linux-version }}/linux.defconfig" "ci_defconfig"

      - name: firmware-action
        uses: ./
        # uses: 9elements/firmware-action
          config: |-
          target: 'linux-example'
          recursive: 'false'
          compile: ${{ needs.changes.outputs.compile }}
          LINUX_VERSION: ${{ matrix.linux-version }}
          SYSTEM_ARCH: ${{ matrix.arch }}
          UROOT_VERSION: "dummy"

      - name: Get artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: linux-${{ matrix.linux-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
          path: output-linux
          retention-days: 14


  "linux": {
    "linux-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${LINUX_VERSION}:main",
      "arch": "${SYSTEM_ARCH}",
      "repo_path": "linux-${LINUX_VERSION}/",
      "defconfig_path": "ci_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-linux/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": ["vmlinux", "defconfig"],
      "gcc_version": "",
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - changes
      - skip-check
      fail-fast: false
        edk2-version: ['edk2-stable202208', 'edk2-stable202211']
    # TODO
    if: ${{ ! (github.event_name == 'pull_request_review' && != 'github-actions[bot]') && needs.skip-check.outputs.changes == 'true' }}
    # Skip if pull_request_review on PR not made by a bot
      - name: Cleanup
        run: |
          rm -rf ./* || true
          rm -rf ./.??* || true
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Restore cached edk2 repo
        uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
        id: cache-repo
          path: ./Edk2
          key: edk2-${{ matrix.edk2-version }}-example
      - name: Clone edk2 repo
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: |
          git clone --recurse-submodules --branch "${{ matrix.edk2-version }}" --depth 1 Edk2
      - name: Prepare file with build arguments
        run: |
          echo "-D BOOTLOADER=COREBOOT -D TPM_ENABLE=TRUE -D NETWORK_IPXE=TRUE" > "edk2_config.cfg"
      - name: Store edk2 repo in cache
        uses: actions/cache/save@v4
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
          path: ./Edk2
          key: edk2-${{ matrix.edk2-version }}-example

      - name: Get versions of edk2
        id: edk2_versions
        run: |
          echo "ver_current=$( echo ${{ matrix.edk2-version }} | tr -cd '0-9' )" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
          echo "ver_breaking=$( echo 'edk2-stable202305' | tr -cd '0-9' )" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"

      - name: Use GCC5 for old edk2
        id: gcc_toolchain
        # GCC5 is deprecated since edk2-stable202305
        # For more information see
        run: |
          if [[ ! ${{ steps.edk2_versions.outputs.ver_current }} < ${{ steps.edk2_versions.outputs.ver_breaking }} ]]; then
            echo "gcc_toolchain_version=GCC" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
            echo "gcc_toolchain_version=GCC5" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"

      - name: firmware-action
        uses: ./
        # uses: 9elements/firmware-action
          config: 'tests/example_config__edk2.json'
          target: 'edk2-example'
          recursive: 'false'
          compile: ${{ needs.changes.outputs.compile }}
          EDK2_VERSION: ${{ matrix.edk2-version }}
          GCC_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION: ${{ steps.gcc_toolchain.outputs.gcc_toolchain_version }}

      - name: Get artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: ${{ matrix.edk2-version }}
          path: output-edk2
          retention-days: 14


  "edk2": {
    "edk2-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${EDK2_VERSION}:main",
      "arch": "X64",
      "repo_path": "Edk2/",
      "defconfig_path": "edk2_config.cfg",
      "output_dir": "output-edk2/",
      "container_output_dirs": ["Build/"],
      "container_output_files": null,
      "build_command": "source ./; build -a X64 -p UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc -b DEBUG -t ${GCC_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}",
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null

Firmware Stitching


      - changes
      - skip-check
      fail-fast: false
        coreboot-version: ['4.19']
        arch: ['amd64', 'arm64']
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.arch == 'arm64' && 'ARM64' || 'ubuntu-latest' }}
    if: ${{ ! (github.event_name == 'pull_request_review' && != 'github-actions[bot]') && needs.skip-check.outputs.changes == 'true' }}
    # Skip if pull_request_review on PR not made by a bot
      - name: Cleanup
        run: |
          rm -rf ./* || true
          rm -rf ./.??* || true
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Restore cached coreboot-blobs repo
        uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
        id: cache-repo
          path: ./stitch
          key: coreboot-blobs-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-example
      - name: Clone blobs repo
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
        run: |
          git clone --depth 1 stitch
      - name: Store coreboot-blobs repo in cache
        uses: actions/cache/save@v4
        if: steps.cache-repo.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
          path: ./stitch
          key: coreboot-blobs-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-example

      - name: firmware-action
        uses: ./
        # uses: 9elements/firmware-action
          config: 'tests/example_config__firmware_stitching.json'
          target: 'stitching-example'
          recursive: 'false'
          compile: ${{ needs.changes.outputs.compile }}
          COREBOOT_VERSION: ${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}

      - name: Get artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
          name: stitch-${{ matrix.coreboot-version }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
          path: output-stitch
          retention-days: 14


  "firmware_stitching": {
    "stitching-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${COREBOOT_VERSION}:main",
      "repo_path": "stitch/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": ["new_descriptor.bin"],
      "output_dir": "output-stitch/",
      "base_file_path": "stitch/mainboard/intel/emeraldlake2/descriptor.bin",
      "platform": "",
      "ifdtool_entries": [
          "path": "stitch/mainboard/intel/emeraldlake2/me.bin",
          "target_region": "ME",
          "optional_arguments": null
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null


Example of JSON configuration file

  "coreboot": {
    "coreboot-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${COREBOOT_VERSION}:main",
      "repo_path": "my_super_dooper_awesome_coreboot/",
      "defconfig_path": "seabios_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-coreboot/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "blobs": {},
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null
  "edk2": {
    "edk2-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${EDK2_VERSION}:main",
      "arch": "X64",
      "repo_path": "Edk2/",
      "defconfig_path": "edk2_config.cfg",
      "output_dir": "output-edk2/",
      "container_output_dirs": [
      "container_output_files": null,
      "build_command": "source ./; build -a X64 -p UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc -b DEBUG -t ${GCC_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}",
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null
  "firmware_stitching": {
    "stitching-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${COREBOOT_VERSION}:main",
      "repo_path": "stitch/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "output_dir": "output-stitch/",
      "base_file_path": "stitch/mainboard/intel/emeraldlake2/descriptor.bin",
      "platform": "",
      "ifdtool_entries": [
          "path": "stitch/mainboard/intel/emeraldlake2/me.bin",
          "target_region": "ME",
          "optional_arguments": null
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null
  "linux": {
    "linux-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${LINUX_VERSION}:main",
      "arch": "${SYSTEM_ARCH}",
      "repo_path": "linux-${LINUX_VERSION}/",
      "defconfig_path": "ci_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-linux/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "gcc_version": "",
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null
  "u-boot": {
    "u-boot-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${UBOOT_VERSION}:main",
      "arch": "arm64",
      "repo_path": "u-boot/",
      "defconfig_path": "uboot_defconfig",
      "output_dir": "output-uboot/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null
  "u-root": {
    "u-root-example": {
      "depends": null,
      "sdk_url": "${UROOT_VERSION}:main",
      "repo_path": "u-root/",
      "output_dir": "output-uroot/",
      "container_output_dirs": null,
      "container_output_files": [
      "build_command": "go build; GOARCH=amd64 ./u-root -defaultsh gosh -o initramfs.cpio boot coreboot-app ./cmds/core/* ./cmds/boot/*",
      "container_input_dir": "inputs/",
      "input_dirs": null,
      "input_files": null


Multiple configuration files can be supplied to firmware-action. Dependencies also work across files.

firmware-action build --config=config-01.json --config=config-02.json ...

Beware that modules with identical names are permitted, as long as they are not in the same configuration file.

firmware-action processes the files in order in which they were supplied and in case of name-collision, the configuration in last file takes precedence.

The configuration is split by type (coreboot, linux, edk2, ...).

In each type can be any number of modules.

Each module has a name, which can be anything as long as it is unique (unique string across all modules of all types). In the example above there are 3 modules (coreboot-example, linux-example, edk2-example).

The configuration above can be simplified to this:

├── coreboot/
│   └── coreboot-example
├── edk2/
│   └── edk2-example
├── firmware_stitching/
│   └── stitching-example
└── linux/
    └── linux-example

Not all types must be present or defined. If you are building coreboot and coreboot only, you can have only coreboot present.

└── coreboot/
    └── coreboot_example

You can have multiple modules of each type, as long as their names are unique.

├── coreboot/
│   ├── coreboot_example
│   ├── coreboot_A
│   └── my_little_firmware
├── linux/
│   ├── linux_example
│   ├── linux_B
│   ├── asdf
│   └── asdf2
└── edk2/
    ├── edk2_example
    └── edk2_C


Each module has sections:

  • depends
  • common
  • specific

// CorebootOpts is used to store all data needed to build coreboot.
type CorebootOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Gives the (relative) path to the defconfig that should be used to build the target.
	DefconfigPath string `json:"defconfig_path" validate:"required,filepath"`

	// Blobs
	// The blobs will be copied into the container into directory:
	//   3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/${CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR}/
	// And the blobs will remain their name
	// NOTE: The blobs may not be added to the ROM, depends on provided defconfig.
	// Example:
	//   Config:
	//     "CONFIG_PAYLOAD_FILE": "./my-payload.bin"
	//   Will result in blob "my-payload.bin" at
	//     "3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/${CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR}/my-payload.bin"
	Blobs map[string]string `json:"blobs"`

common & specific are identical in function. There is no real difference between these two. They are split to simplify the code. They define things like path to source code, version and source of SDK to use, and so on.

depends on the other hand allows you to specify dependency (or relation) between modules. For example your coreboot uses edk2 as payload. So you can specify this dependency by listing name of the edk2 module in depends of your coreboot module.

  "coreboot": {
    "coreboot-example": {
      "depends": ["edk2-example"],
  "edk2": {
    "edk2-example": {
      "depends": null,

With such configuration, you can then run firmware-action recursively, and it will build all of the modules in proper order.

./firmware-action build --config=./my-config.json --target=coreboot-example --recursive

In this case firmware-action would build edk2-example first and then coreboot-example.


By changing inputs and outputs, you can then feed output of one module into input of another module.

This way you can build the entire firmware stack in single step.

Common and Specific

To explain each and every entry in the configuration, here are snippets of the source code with comments.


In the code below, the tag json (for example json:"sdk_url") specifies what the field is called in JSON file.

Tag validate:"required", it means that the field is required and must not be empty. Empty required field will fail validation and terminate program with error.

Tag validate:"dirpath" means that field must contain a valid path to a directory. It is not necessary for the path or directory to exists, but must be a valid path. Be warned - that means that the string must end with /. For example output-coreboot/.

Tag validate:"filepath" means that the field must contain a valid path to a file. It is not necessary for the file to exist.

For more tails see go-playground/validator package.


type CommonOpts struct {
	// Specifies the container toolchain tag to use when building the image.
	// This has an influence on the IASL, GCC and host GCC version that is used to build
	//   the target. You must match the source level and sdk_version.
	// Can also be a absolute or relative path to Dockerfile to build the image on the fly.
	// NOTE: Updating the sdk_version might result in different binaries using the
	//   same source code.
	// Examples:
	//   file://./my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file://./my-image/
	//   file://my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file:///home/user/my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file:///home/user/my-image/
	// NOTE:
	//   'file://' path cannot contain '..'
	// See
	SdkURL string `json:"sdk_url" validate:"required"`

	// Gives the (relative) path to the target (firmware) repository.
	// If the current repository contains the selected target, specify: '.'
	// Otherwise the path should point to the target (firmware) repository submodule that
	//   had been previously checked out.
	RepoPath string `json:"repo_path" validate:"required,dirpath"`

	// Specifies the (relative) paths to directories where are produced files (inside Container).
	ContainerOutputDirs []string `json:"container_output_dirs" validate:"dive,filepath|dirpath"`

	// Specifies the (relative) paths to produced files (inside Container).
	ContainerOutputFiles []string `json:"container_output_files" validate:"dive,filepath|dirpath"`

	// Specifies the (relative) path to directory into which place the produced files.
	//   Directories listed in ContainerOutputDirs and files listed in ContainerOutputFiles
	//   will be exported here.
	// Example:
	//   Following setting:
	//     ContainerOutputDirs = []string{"Build/"}
	//     ContainerOutputFiles = []string{"coreboot.rom", "defconfig"}
	//     OutputDir = "myOutput"
	//   Will result in following structure being copied out of the container:
	//     myOutput/
	//     ├── Build/
	//     ├── coreboot.rom
	//     └── defconfig
	OutputDir string `json:"output_dir" validate:"required,filepath|dirpath"`

	// Specifies the (relative) paths to directories which should be copied into the container.
	InputDirs []string `json:"input_dirs" validate:"dive,filepath|dirpath"`

	// Specifies the (relative) paths to file which should be copied into the container.
	InputFiles []string `json:"input_files" validate:"dive,filepath|dirpath"`

	// Specifies the path to directory where to place input files and directories inside container.
	//   Directories listed in ContainerInputDirs and files listed in ContainerInputFiles
	//   will be copied there.
	// Example:
	//   Following setting:
	//     InputDirs = []string{"config-files/"}
	//     InputFiles = []string{"", "Taskfile.yml"}
	//     ContainerInputDir = "myInput"
	//   Will result in following structure being copied into the container:
	//     myInput/
	//     ├── config-files/
	//     ├──
	//     └── Taskfile.yml
	ContainerInputDir string `json:"container_input_dir" validate:"filepath|dirpath"`

	// Overview:
	// | Configuration option   | Host side              | Direction            | Container side                 |
	// |:-----------------------|:-----------------------|:--------------------:|:-------------------------------|
	// | RepoPath               | $RepoPath              | Host  --> Container  | $(pwd)                         |
	// |                        |                        |                      |                                |
	// | OutputDir              | $(pwd)/$OutputDir      | Host <--  Container  | N/A                            |
	// | ContainerOutputDirs    | $(pwd)/$OutputDir/...  | Host <--  Container  | $ContainerOutputDirs           |
	// | ContainerOutputFiles   | $(pwd)/$OutputDir/...  | Host <--  Container  | $ContainerOutputFiles          |
	// |                        |                        |                      |                                |
	// | ContainerInputDir      | N/A                    | Host  --> Container  | $(pwd)/$ContainerInputDir      |
	// | InputDirs              | $InputDirs             | Host  --> Container  | $(pwd)/$ContainerInputDir/...  |
	// | InputFiles             | $InputFiles            | Host  --> Container  | $(pwd)/$ContainerInputDir/...  |

Specific / coreboot

// CorebootOpts is used to store all data needed to build coreboot.
type CorebootOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Gives the (relative) path to the defconfig that should be used to build the target.
	DefconfigPath string `json:"defconfig_path" validate:"required,filepath"`

	// Blobs
	// The blobs will be copied into the container into directory:
	//   3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/${CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR}/
	// And the blobs will remain their name
	// NOTE: The blobs may not be added to the ROM, depends on provided defconfig.
	// Example:
	//   Config:
	//     "CONFIG_PAYLOAD_FILE": "./my-payload.bin"
	//   Will result in blob "my-payload.bin" at
	//     "3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/${CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR}/my-payload.bin"
	Blobs map[string]string `json:"blobs"`

Specific / Linux

// LinuxOpts is used to store all data needed to build linux
type LinuxOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	// Example: [ "MyLittleCoreboot", "MyLittleEdk2"]
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Specifies target architecture, such as 'x86' or 'arm64'.
	// Supported options:
	//   - 'i386'
	//   - 'amd64'
	//   - 'arm'
	//   - 'arm64'
	Arch string `json:"arch"`

	// Gives the (relative) path to the defconfig that should be used to build the target.
	DefconfigPath string `json:"defconfig_path" validate:"required,filepath"`

	// Linux specific options

// LinuxSpecific is used to store data specific to linux
type LinuxSpecific struct {
	// TODO: either use or remove
	GccVersion string `json:"gcc_version"`

Specific / Edk2

// Edk2Opts is used to store all data needed to build edk2.
type Edk2Opts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	// Example: [ "MyLittleCoreboot", "MyLittleLinux"]
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Specifies target architecture, such as 'x86' or 'arm64'. Currently unused for coreboot.
	// Supported options:
	//   - 'AARCH64'
	//   - 'ARM'
	//   - 'IA32'
	//   - 'IA32X64'
	//   - 'X64'
	Arch string `json:"arch"`

	// Gives the (relative) path to the defconfig that should be used to build the target.
	// For EDK2 this is a one-line file containing the build arguments such as
	DefconfigPath string `json:"defconfig_path" validate:"filepath"`

	// Coreboot specific options
	Edk2Specific `validate:"required"`

// Edk2Specific is used to store data specific to coreboot.
//	simplified because of issue #92
type Edk2Specific struct {
	// Specifies which build command to use
	// GCC version is exposed in the container container as USE_GCC_VERSION environment variable
	// Examples:
	//   "source ./; build -t GCC5 -a IA32 -p UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc"
	//   "python UefiPayloadPkg/"
	//   "Intel/AlderLakeFspPkg/"
	BuildCommand string `json:"build_command" validate:"required"`

Specific / Firmware stitching

// FirmwareStitchingOpts is used to store all data needed to stitch firmware
type FirmwareStitchingOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// BaseFile into which inject files.
	// !!! Must contain IFD !!!
	// Examples:
	//   - coreboot.rom
	//   - ifd.bin
	BaseFilePath string `json:"base_file_path" validate:"required,filepath"`

	// Platform - passed to all `ifdtool` calls with `--platform`
	Platform string `json:"platform"`

	// List of instructions for ifdtool
	IfdtoolEntries []IfdtoolEntry `json:"ifdtool_entries"`

	// List of instructions for cbfstool
	// TODO ???

// IfdtoolEntry is for injecting a file at `path` into region `TargetRegion`
type IfdtoolEntry struct {
	// Gives the (relative) path to the binary blob
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required,filepath"`

	// Region where to inject the file
	// For supported options see `ifdtool --help`
	TargetRegion string `json:"target_region" validate:"required"`

	// Additional (optional) arguments and flags
	// For example:
	//   `--platform adl`
	// For supported options see `ifdtool --help`
	OptionalArguments []string `json:"optional_arguments"`

	// Ignore entry if the file is missing
	IgnoreIfMissing bool `json:"ignore_if_missing" type:"boolean"`

	// For internal use only - whether or not the blob should be injected
	// Firstly it is checked if the blob file exists, if not a if `IgnoreIfMissing` is set to `true`,
	//   then `Skip` is set to `true` to remove need for additional repetitive checks later in program
	Skip bool

Specific / u-root

// URootOpts is used to store all data needed to build u-root
type URootOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	// Example: [ "MyLittleCoreboot", "MyLittleEdk2"]
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// u-root specific options

type URootSpecific struct {
	// Specifies build command to use
	BuildCommand string `json:"build_command" validate:"required"`

Specific / Universal module

// UniversalOpts is used to store all data needed to run universal commands
type UniversalOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	// Example: [ "MyLittleCoreboot", "MyLittleEdk2"]
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Universal specific options

type UniversalSpecific struct {
	// Specifies build commands to execute inside container
	BuildCommands []string `json:"build_commands" validate:"required"`

Specific / u-boot module

// UBootOpts is used to store all data needed to build u-root
type UBootOpts struct {
	// List of IDs this instance depends on
	// Example: [ "MyLittleCoreboot", "MyLittleEdk2"]
	Depends []string `json:"depends"`

	// Common options like paths etc.

	// Specifies target architecture, such as 'x86' or 'arm64'
	Arch string `json:"arch"`

	// Gives the (relative) path to the defconfig that should be used to build the target.
	DefconfigPath string `json:"defconfig_path" validate:"required,filepath"`

Troubleshooting common problems

Many firmware-action errors and warnings come with suggestion on how to fix them.

Other than that, here are some common problems and solutions.


The first thing when troubleshooting is to look through the output for errors and warnings. Many of these messages come with a suggestion with instructions on possible solutions.

For example a warning message:

[WARN   ] Git submodule seems to be uninitialized
    - time: 2024-12-02T12:42:33.31416978+01:00
    - suggestion: run 'git submodule update --depth 0 --init --recursive --checkout'
    - offending_submodule: coreboot-linuxboot-example/linux
    - origin of this message:

Missing submodules / missing files

The problem can manifest in multiple way, most commonly with error messages of missing files.

make: *** BaseTools: No such file or directory.  Stop.

Solution is to get all git submodules.

git submodule update --depth 1 --init --recursive --checkout

Coreboot blob not found

Blobs are copied into container separately from input_files and input_dirs, the path should point to files on your host.

Dagger problems

To troubleshoot dagger, please see dagger documentation.

Tips and Tricks

Python2 for building Intel FSP

Intel FSP can be build in the EDK2 containers. However the containers often have Python3 as default.

Most EDK2 containers have Python2 installed and contain script switch-to-python2 (/bin/switch-to-python2) which will let you easily switch to Python2 as default.


To see which python version are installed and which python version is used as default, look into our compose.yaml. Specifically, look into edk2 containers and their arguments PYTHON_PACKAGES (which python versions are installed) and PYTHON_VERSION (which python version is the default).


Build Docker container on the fly

As already mentioned in Configuration/common section, firmware-action can build a Docker container on the fly when provided with Dockerfile.

The sdk_url field in configuration file accepts both URL and file-path. If file-path is provided, the container will be build and used (subsequent runs will no rebuild the container unless there changes were made to the Dockerfile).

The file-path can be a absolute or relative path to Dockerfile (or directory in which Dockerfile is) to build the image on the fly.

Accepted values

	// Examples:
	//   file://./my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file://./my-image/
	//   file://my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file:///home/user/my-image/Dockerfile
	//   file:///home/user/my-image/


file:// path cannot contain ..


Docker engine assumes single Dockerfile per directory, hence it requires path to the parent directory in which the Dockerfile resides (not to the file itself). For user-comfort, firmware-action accepts both path to parent directory and path to the file.

If the path contains the Dockerfile as last element, it will be removed before passed over to Docker engine.

Meaning that if user provides file:///home/user/my-image/Dockerfile, the Docker engine will receive file:///home/user/my-image/.

Interactive debugging

A little bit of backstory

While I was playing around with firmware-action I found early on that debugging what is going on inside the docker container is rather lengthy and annoying process. This was the moment when the idea of some interactive option was born.

Dropping the SSH feature in favor of Dagger build-in debugging

Dagger since v0.12 supports new built-in interactive debugging.

We are already planning to re-write firmware-action to use this new feature instead of the ssh solution we are currently using. For more details see issue 269.

UPDATE: It is possible now to use the new and shiny feature of dagger for interactive debugging! As a result we have dropped the SSH feature.


Supplementary dagger documentation:

To leverage the use of interactive debugging, you have to install dagger CLI.

Then when using firmware-action, simply prepend the command with dagger run --interactive.

Instead of:

firmware-action build --config=firmware-action.json --target=coreboot-example

Execute this:

dagger run --interactive firmware-action build --config=firmware-action.json --target=coreboot-example

If you are using Taskfile to abstract away some of the complexity that comes with larger projects, simply prepend the whole Taskfile command.

Instead of:

task build:coreboot-example

Execute this:

dagger run --interactive task build:coreboot-example

On build failure you will be dropped into the container and can debug the problem.

To exit the container run command exit or press CTRL+D.

Offline usage

firmware-action under the hood uses dagger / docker. As such, the configuration contains entry sdk_url which specifies the docker image / container to use.


"sdk_url": ""

However, in this configuration firmware-action (or rather dagger) will always connect to the internet and download the manifest to see if a new container needs to be downloaded. This applies to all tags (main, latest, v0.8.0, and so on).

If you need to use firmware-action offline, you have to first acquire the container. Either by running firmware-action at least once online, or by other means provided by docker.

Then you need to change the firmware-action configuration to include the image reference (digest hash).


"sdk_url": ""

Digest hash can be found in the container hub. For firmware-action containers see GitHub.

It will also be displayed every time firmware-action is executed as INFO message near the start:

[INFO   ] Container information
    - time: 2024-12-01T12:09:43.62620859+01:00
    - Image reference:
    - origin of this message: container.Setup

Simply copy-paste the digest (or image reference) into your configuration file and firmware-action will not connect to the internet to fetch a container if one matching is already present.

Migration guide from v0.13.x to v0.14.0

The handling of coreboot blobs have been refactored.

coreboot can have far more blobs that we supported and the setup we had would not scale. We remove all of the hard-coded stuff and replace it with much more flexible setup where use has to define key-value map for the blobs.

The old way of defining blobs:

blobs: {
    "payload_file_path": "./my-payload.bin"

The new way:

blobs: {
  "CONFIG_PAYLOAD_FILE": "./my-payload.bin"

We have made a script that will allow you to migrate:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -Eeuo pipefail

export CONFIG_FILE="firmware-action.json"

sed -i 's/payload_file_path/CONFIG_PAYLOAD_FILE/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/intel_ifd_path/CONFIG_IFD_BIN_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/intel_me_path/CONFIG_ME_BIN_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/intel_gbe_path/CONFIG_GBE_BIN_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/intel_10gbe0_path/CONFIG_10GBE_0_BIN_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/fsp_binary_path/CONFIG_FSP_FD_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/fsp_header_path/CONFIG_FSP_HEADER_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/vbt_path/CONFIG_INTEL_GMA_VBT_FILE/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"
sed -i 's/ec_path/CONFIG_EC_BIN_PATH/g' "${CONFIG_FILE}"

Docker containers

Docker is used to build the firmware stacks. To do this efficiently, purpose-specific docker containers are pre-build and are published as packages in GitHub repository.

However there was a problem with too many dockerfiles with practically identical content, just because of different version of software installed inside.

So to simplify this, we needed some master-configuration on top of our dockerfiles. Instead of making up some custom configuration solution, we just decided to use existing and defined docker-compose yaml config structure, with a custom parser (because there is no existing parser out there).


The compose file is not used at the moment by actual docker-compose, it is manually parsed and then fed to dagger.


dagger does not support docker-compose at the time of writing.

There is also no existing docker-compose parser out there that we could use as off-the-shelf solution.

The custom parser implements only a limited feature-set out of the compose-file spec, just the bare-minimum needed to build the containers:

  • services
    • attach
    • build
    • blkio_config
    • ...
  • networks
  • volumes
  • configs
  • secrets

This way, we can have a single parametric Dockerfile for each item (coreboot, linux, edk2, ...) and introduce variation with scalable and maintainable single-file config.


Example of compose.yaml file to build 2 versions of coreboot docker image:

      context: coreboot
        - COREBOOT_VERSION=4.19
      context: coreboot
        - COREBOOT_VERSION=4.20

Multi-stage builds

We use multi-stage builds to minimize the final container / image.

Environment variables

In the dockerfiles, we heavily rely on use of environment variables and arguments.

This allows for the parametric nature.


Containers are also tested to verify that they were build successfully.

The tests are rather simple, consisting solely from happy path tests. This might change in the future.

Test is done by executing a shell script which builds firmware in some hello-world configuration example. Nothing too fancy.

The path to said shell script is stored in environment variable VERIFICATION_TEST.

Example of coreboot test

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -Eeuo pipefail

# Environment variables

declare -a PAYLOADS=(

# Clone repo
git clone --branch "${VERIFICATION_TEST_COREBOOT_VERSION}" --depth 1
cd coreboot

# Make
for PAYLOAD in "${PAYLOADS[@]}"; do
	make clean
	cp "/tests/coreboot_${VERIFICATION_TEST_COREBOOT_VERSION}/${PAYLOAD}.defconfig" "./${PAYLOAD}.defconfig"
	make defconfig KBUILD_DEFCONFIG="./${PAYLOAD}.defconfig"
	make -j "$(nproc)" || make

In addition, there might be VERIFICATION_TEST_* variables. These are used inside the test script and are rather use-case specific, however often used to store which version of firmware is being tested.

Adding new container

  • (optional) Add new Dockerfile into docker directory
  • Add new entry in docker/compose.yaml
  • Add new entry into strategy matrix in .github/workflows/docker-build-and-test.yml
  • (optional) Add new strategy matrix in .github/workflows/example.yml examples
    • this requires adding new configuration file in tests directory
  • Add entry into a list of containers in

Discontinuing container

  • Update entry in list of containers in
  • Add new regex entry into Setup() function in cmd/firmware-action/container/container.go to warn about discontinued containers